Prof. Andre Thomaz received his BSc. in Physics from State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 2004. He obtained his Master degree from State University of Campinas in 2007 with a disseration focused on how to integrate Single/Multiphoton Confocal Microscopy and Optical Tweezers. He obtained his PhD degree from State University of Campinas in 2013 defending a thesis about a Photonic Integrated Platform and its Application on Quantum Dots and Biological Systems.
In 2013-2014 he worked as a post doc reseacher at the National Instituto of Photonics Applied to Cellular Biology [INFABIC] under the supervision of Prof. Hernandes Carvalho from the Biology Institute-UNICAMP in the field of Forster Resonant Energy Transfer [FRET]
In 2014-2015 her worked as a Research Assistant at University of Iillinois at Urbana-Champaign-US (UIUC) in the group of Prof. Paul Selvin studying the molecular basis of memory formation using super resolution microscopy [PALM/STORM]
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor of the Biophotonics Group at the Quantum Electronics Department of the Institute of Physics “Gleb Wataghin”.