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Running Comsol with Matlab on Cepof’s Cluster


  1. Connect via ssh -X user@ -p 8022
  2. Edit comsolmatlab.qsub environment variables MATLAB_FILE and COMSOL_FILE
  3. qsub comsolmatlab.qsub


Example: Step index fiber Dispersion diagram

Using comsol 5.3. Files can be found on /home/maicon/template.  We use an existing mph file create on local comsol instalation. In this example we create a basic step index silicon/dopped-silicon fiber and solved the modes in a wavelenght sweep. To create the datasets, surfaces and animations relate to the post processing we made a complete study with coarse mesh and sweep for a few wavelengths.

Sweep definitions

Export definitions



After running the example we increase the number of wavelengths and the mesh refinement, save (without running) and copy to the cluster

scp -P 8022  step_index_fiber.mph user@

After connecting with 

ssh -X user@ -p 8022

Edit comsolmatlab.qsub with the full path of matlab and comsol files
cat comsolmatlab.qsub
 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=16,walltime=10:00:00
 #PBS -N myjob
 #PBS -X -V
 # Runs Comsol mph file from matlab to allow doing postprocessing in a cluster node. #
 # This running script just accepts one comsol run per node. Keep ppn=16!!!! #
 # For support: #

export MATLAB_FILE=/home/maicon/template.m # Matlab file path
export COMSOL_FILE=/home/maicon/sandbox/step_index_fiber.mph # Comsol input file path

################# Don't edit from here if you are not sure ##################
 export WORK_DIR=$HOME/tmp/$PBS_JOBID/
 mkdir $WORK_DIR
 #Copy file to local disk in a processing node

#Runs inputfile and outputs result in a new mph
 comsol batch -inputfile $BASENAME_COMSOL_FILE -outputfile $OUT_BASENAME_COMSOL_FILE --batchlog batch_COMSOL.log
 #Starts a comsol server with matlab (Live Link)
 xvfb-run -a comsol server -graphics -tmpdir tmp & # calls comsol server
 sleep 20
 #Runs matlab commands in a .m file
 xvfb-run -a matlab -nodesktop -r " try, run(getenv('BASENAME_MATLAB_FILE')) ; end ; quit " # runs matlab script
 sleep 10
 #Gets all files to Home

Post Processing

The post processing is done with the matlab Live Link In this example we save data with mode’s effective index and wavelenght, also we save figures for every mode field profile.

cat template.m
 import com.comsol.model.*
 import com.comsol.model.util.*
 workfile = getenv('OUT_BASENAME_COMSOL_FILE')
 model = mphload(workfile)

% Start to edit here


The results can be found at <job id> file, submitting messages are in myjob.o<job id> and myjob.e<job id>