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Phase space flow in the Husimi representation

Matheus Veronez and Marcus A.M. de Aguiar,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 (2013) 485304.

We derive a continuity equation for the Husimi function evolving under a general non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and identify the phase space flow associated with it. For the case of unitary evolution we obtain explicit formulas for the quantum flow, which can be written as a classical term plus quantum corrections. The quantum terms can be expanded in powers of Planck’s constant providing a series of semiclassical corrections to the classical flow. We test the exact and semiclassical formulas for a particle in a double well potential and find numerical evidence that the zeros of the Husimi function are always saddle points of the flow. Merging or splitting of stagnation points, reported for the Wigner flow, was not observed.