About me



F Alvarez holds a Master degree in Physics (Universidad of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1972). From 1973 to 1976, Prof. Alvarez worked in R&D in microelectronic at the Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Indutrial, Buenos Aires, Argentina. In 1980 he obtained a Ph.D. degree in physics, University of Delaware, USA. From 1980 – 1982, he was at the Institute of Energy Conversion, USA, working in R&D in hydrogenated amorphous silicon for photovoltaic applications. Since 1983 he is working at the Laboratory of Photovoltaic Research, Instituto de Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil and in 1999 he becomes full professor. From 1992 to 1994 he was chairperson of the Applied Physic department. He has been visiting researcher at Dipartimento de Física, Universitá degli studi di Roma,Universitá di Roma, Italy (1990-1991). During the 2004 winter, Prof. Alvarez was visiting professor at the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Laboratoire des Plasmas et des Couches Minces, University of Nantes, France. In 1983 he started the studies of amorphous semiconductors deposited by Glow Discharge processes for photovoltaic and microelectronic applications. Most of his career has been devoted to R&D of materials science and electronic device physics, particularly amorphous semiconductors, solar cells, and hard coatings. In recent years, Prof. Alvarez enlarged his interests to spectroscopy of electrons (XPS, UPS) and in situ studies of materials deposited by Dual Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (DIBAD). Prof. Alvarez is author or co-author of more that 80 scientific publications. In 2001 Prof. Alvarez in collaboration with Prof. D. Wisnivesky started a project supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / EATON, Transmission Division, Brazil, involving steel treatments by nitriding pulsed plasma (Laboratory of Ionic Implantation and Surface Treatment, Plasma- LIITS). He is Fellow of the Brazilian Council of Research (CNPq), member of the American Physical Society and Brazilian Physics Society. In March 2000, Prof. Alvarez obtained the award “Zeferino Vaz to Academic Excellence”, UNICAMP. Professor Alvarez was one of the organizers of the XX International conference on amorphous and microcrystalline semiconductors, Campos de Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil, August 25-29, 2003 (http://www.icams20.org/).

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