Ali Flores Garcia

Author's posts

(Português do Brasil) GPOMS no FermiLab _ EUA

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(Português do Brasil) GPOMS e colaboradores no SCES-2019 _ Japão

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(Português do Brasil) GPOMS no NIST_EUA

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(Português do Brasil) GPOMS visita a UFS

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(Português do Brasil) GPOMS no workshop PRESSYNC – 2019 – CNPEM

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LMD and LMBT Professors Publish Article in Leading Nano Research Magazine

The article “Exploring the synthesis conditions to control the morphology of gold-iron oxide heterostructures” by teachers Diego Muraca (LMD) and Marcelo Knobel (LMBT) was published in the important magazine Nano Research of June 2019.

GPOMS Professor Eduardo Granado gives lecture at Physics for curious people Event 2019 at IFGW

Professor Eduardo Granado opened the event at the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics auditorium with the lecture “Where are atoms in a solid, how do they move, and why does it matter?”

IFGW LMBT and LMD Professors Article Cover of ACS Applied Nano Materials Magazine

The cover of ACS Applied Nano Materials magazine 2019 is from the article titled “Fe3O4 @ SiO2 Nanoparticles Cuncurrently Coated whit Chitosan and GdOF: Ce3 +, Tb3 + Luminophore for Bioimaging: Toxicity Evaluation in Zebrafish Model”, published by IFGW professors Marcelo Knobel (LMBT) and Diego Muraca (LMD).

GPOMS student receives best poster award presented at SBF Meeting

The SBF fall meeting took place May 26-31, 2019 in Aracaju, SE. Rogerio Grossi, project master’s student, presented the instituted poster: “Investigation of the structural and magnetic phase transition of G-doped Eu3Ir4Sn13”.