Interferometria HBT


Palestra que o Professor Mike deu no ICTP:
Seminars: Michael A. Lisa: Hanbury Brown Twiss Interferometry: From the Stars, to STAR… and Back:
Artigos do VERITAS: 
An Angular Diameter Measurement of β UMa via Stellar Intensity Interferometry with the VERITAS Observatory:
Demonstration of stellar intensity interferometry with the four VERITAS telescopes:
Artigo do HESS: 
First Intensity Interferometry Measurements with the H.E.S.S. Telescopes:
Artigo do MAGIC:
Performance and first measurements of the MAGIC Stellar Intensity Interferometer:
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da Mackenzie Scott (orientada do Professor Mike)
Refinement of Stellar Intensity Interferometry at VERITAS: