Papers on Heavy-Ion Collisions Phenomenology (HICPheno)
Papers of the Extreme collaboration, on hydrodynamical aspects of HICPheno, developed with the support of FAPESP temático grant 2017/05685-2:
- T. N. da Silva, D. D. Chinellato, R. D. de Souza, M. Hippert, M. Luzum, J. Noronha and J. Takahashi, “Testing a Best-Fit Hydrodynamical Model Using PCA”, Proceedings 2019, 10(1), 5;
- M. Hippert, D. D. Chinellato, M. Luzum, J. Noronha, T. N. da Silva, J. Takahashi, “Measuring Momentum-Dependent Flow Fluctuations in Heavy-Ion Collisions”, Phys. Rev. C101, 034903 (2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.101.034903, arXiv:1906.08915 [nucl-th].
- M. Hippert, D. D. Chinellato, M. Luzum, J. Noronha, T. N. da Silva, J. Takahashi, “Momentum-dependent flow fluctuations as a hydrodynamic response to initial geometry“, contribution to the proceedings of XXVIIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2019), arXiv:2003.01147 [nucl-th].
- M. Hippert, J. G. P. Barbon, D. D. Chinellato, M. Luzum, J. Noronha, T. N. da Silva, W. M. Serenone, and J. Takahashi (The ExTrEMe Collaboration),“Probing the structure of the initial state of heavy-ion collisions with pT-dependent flow fluctuations”, Phys. Rev. C102, 064909 (2020), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.102.064909
- Tiago Nunes da Silva, David Chinellato, Mauricio Hippert, Willian Serenone, Jun Takahashi, Gabriel S. Denicol, Matthew Luzum, Jorge Noronha, “Pre-hydrodynamic evolution and its signatures in final-state heavy-ion observables”, Phys. Rev. C103, 054906 (2021), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.054906. arXiv: 2006.02324 [hep-ph]
- Tiago Nunes da Silva, David Chinellato, A. V. Giannini, J. Takahashi, M.N.Ferreira, G.S. Denicol, M. Hippert, J. Noronha and M. Luzum (The ExTrEMe Collaboration), “Pre-hydrodynamic evolution in large and small systems”, Phys. Rev. C107, 044901 (2023), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.107.044901.
- A. V. Giannini, M.N.Ferreira, M. Hippert, D. D. Chinellato, G.S. Denicol, M. Luzum, J. Noronha, T. Nunes da Silva, and J. Takahashi (The ExTrEMe Collaboration), “Assessing the ultracentral flow puzzle in hydrodynamic modeling of heavy-ion collisions“, Phys. Rev. C107, 044907 (2023), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.107.044907.
Papers on HICPheno with Pythia and PythiaAgantyr, developed with the support of FAPESP temático grant 2017/05685-2:
- R. Acconcia, D. D. Chinellato, R. Derradi de Souza, J. Takahashi, G. Torrieri and C. Markert, “Resonance suppression from color reconnection”, Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 3, 036010 (2018), arXiv:1707.02075 [hep-ph].
- A. V. da Silva, C. Bierlich, D. D. Chinellato, J. Takahashi, “Studying the effect of the hadronic phase in nuclear collisions with PYTHIA and UrQMD”, proceedings of Strangeness in Quark Matter 2019, arXiv:1911.12824 [nucl-th].
- A. V. da Silva, W. M. Serenone, D. D. Chinellato, J. Takahashi, C. Bierlich, “Suppression of the nuclear modification factor with a hybrid model based on perturbative QCD and hadronic rescattering”, Submitted to publication in PRC, arXiv:2002.10236 [hep-ph].
- André Vieira da Silva, Willian Matioli Serenone, David Dobrigkeit Chinellato, Jun Takahashi, Christian Bierlich, “Studies of heavy-ion collisions using PYTHIA Angantyr and UrQMD”, submitted to PRC. arXiv: 2002.10236 [hep-ph]
Papers of the 3C collaboration, on Vorticity studies in the QGP, developed with the support of FAPESP temático grant 2017/05685-2:
- Willian Matioli Serenone, João Guilherme Prado Barbon, David Dobrigkeit Chinellato, Michael Annan Lisa, Chun Shen, Jun Takahashi, Giorgio Torrieri, “Lambda polarizations from thermalized jet energy”, Phys. Lett. B 820, 136500 (2021) , arXiv: 2102.11919 [hep-ph]
- Michael Annan Lisa, João Guilherme Prado Barbon, David Dobrigkeit Chinellato, Willian Matioli Serenone, Chun Shen, Jun Takahashi, Giorgio Torrieri, “Vortex rings from high energy central p+A collisions”, Phys. Rev. C 104, L011901 (2021), arXiv: 2101.10872 [hep-ph]
Papers by members of the project supported by the FAPESP temático grant 2017/05685-2:
- G. S. Denicol and J. Noronha, “Analytical attractor and the divergence of the slow- roll expansion in relativistic hydrodynamics,” Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 5, 056021 (2018) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.056021, arXiv:1711.01657 [nucl-th].
- Strickland, J. Noronha and G. S. Denicol, “Anisotropic nonequilibrium hydrodynamic attractor,” Phys. Rev. D 97, no. 3, 036020 (2018) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.97.036020, arXiv:1709.06644 [nucl-th].
- Critelli, R. Rougemont and J. Noronha, “Homogeneous isotropization and equilibration of a strongly coupled plasma with a critical point,” JHEP 1712, 029 (2017) doi:10.1007/JHEP12(2017)029, arXiv:1709.03131 [hep-th].
- Torrieri, “$\eta’$ production in nucleus-nucleus collisions as a probe of chiral dynamics”, Phys. Rev. C 98, no. 1, 014901 (2018), doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.98.014901, arXiv:1802.09011 [nucl-th].
- S. Bemfica, M. M. Disconzi and J. Noronha, “Causality of the Einstein-Israel-Stewart Theory with Bulk Viscosity”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, no. 22, 221602 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.221602, arXiv:1901.06701 [gr-qc].
- L. Tinti, G. Vujanovic, J. Noronha and U. Heinz, “Resummed hydrodynamic expansion for a plasma of particles interacting with fields”, Phys. Rev. D 99, no. 1, 016009 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.016009, arXiv:1808.06436 [nucl-th].
- J. Noronha, “Collective effects in nuclear collisions: theory overview”, Nucl. Phys. A 982, 78 (2019), doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2018.11.017, arXiv:1807.06191 [nucl-th].
- R. Critelli, R. Rougemont and J. Noronha, “Holographic Bjorken flow of a hot and dense fluid in the vicinity of a critical point”, Phys. Rev. D 99, no. 6, 066004 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.066004, arXiv:1805.00882 [hep-th].
- G. S. Denicol, X. G. Huang, E. Molnár, G. M. Monteiro, H. Niemi, J. Noronha, D. H. Rischke and Q. Wang, “Nonresistive dissipative magnetohydrodynamics from the Boltzmann equation in the 14-moment approximation”, Phys. Rev. D 98, no. 7, 076009 (2018), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.076009, arXiv:1804.05210 [nucl-th].
- G. S. Denicol and J. Noronha, “Hydrodynamic attractor and the fate of perturbative expansions in Gubser flow”, Phys. Rev. D 99, no. 11, 116004 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.116004.
- F. S. Bemfica, M. M. Disconzi and J. Noronha, “Causality and existence of solutions of relativistic viscous fluid dynamics with gravity”, Phys. Rev. D 98, no. 10, 104064 (2018), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.98.104064, arXiv:1708.06255 [gr-qc].
- J. Sousa, J. Noronha, M. Luzum, “System response to the initial energy-momentum tensor in relativistic heavy-ion collisions”, contribution to the proceedings of XXVIIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2019), arXiv:2002.12735 [nucl-th].
- G. S. Denicol, J. Noronha, M. Luzum, “Connecting far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics to resummed transport coefficients and attractors“, contribution to the proceedings of XXVIIIth International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2019), arXiv:2003.00181 [nucl-th].
G. S. Denicol and J. Noronha, “Exact hydrodynamic attractor of an ultrarelativistic gas of hard spheres,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, no.15, 152301 (2020), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.152301.
R. Katz, C. A. G. Prado, J. Noronha-Hostler, J. Noronha and A. A. P. Suaide, “Sensitivity study of heavy flavor RAA and azimuthal anisotropies based on beam energy, initial conditions, hadronization, and suppression mechanisms,” Phys. Rev. C 102, no.2, 024906 (2020), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevC.102.024906.
F. S. Bemfica, M. M. Disconzi and J. Noronha, “Nonlinear Causality of General First-Order Relativistic Viscous Hydrodynamics,” Phys. Rev. D 100, no.10, 104020 (2019), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.100.104020.
G. S. Denicol and J. Noronha, “Connecting far-from-equilibrium hydrodynamics to resummed transport coefficients and attractors”, proceedings to the Quark Matter 2019 conference, arXiv:2003.00181 [nucl-th].
- Sousa, J. Noronha and M. Luzum, “System response to the initial energy-momentum tensor in relativistic heavy-ion collisions”, proceedings to the Quark Matter 2019 conference, arXiv:2002.12735 [nucl-th].
Papers on hydrodynamical aspects of HICP, developed with the with the NeXSPheRIO model:
- “Effects of initial state fluctuations in the final state elliptic flow measurements using the NeXSPheRIO model”
Rafael Derradi de Souza, Jun Takahashi, Takeshi Kodama, Paul Sorensen
Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 054909 or arXiv: 1110.5698 [nucl-th]
- “Coarse graining scale and effectiveness of hydrodynamic modeling”
Ph. Mota, T. Kodama, J. Takahashi, R. Derradi de Souza
EPJA 48 165 (2012) or arXiv:1210.312 - “Longitudinal dependence of two-particle momentum correlations from NEXSPHERIO model”
Monika Sharma, Claude Pruneau, Sean Gavin, Jun Takahashi, R. Derradi de Souza, T. Kodama
Phys. Rev. C 84 (2011) 054915 or arXiv: 1107.3587 [nucl-th]
- “Multi-flux tube initial condition and event-by-event hydrodynamics”
Ph. Mota, T. Kodama, T. Koide, J. Takahashi
Nucl. Phys. A 862-863 (2011) 188-191 or arXiv: - “Topology Studies of Hydrodynamics Using Two-Particle Correlation Analysis”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 242301 (2009) or arXiv: 0902.4870 [nucl-th]
Papers on Heavy-Ion Collisions Experimental, by the ALICE Collaboration (Hadrex members D.D.Chinellato, C. Jahnke & J. Takahashi).
Click here to access the list of ALICE publications.
PhD thesis of the group:
- Gabriel Reis Garcia, “Machine Learning Methods for Strangeness reconstruction in ALICE”, 2023. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- André Vieira da Silva, “Simulating heavy-ion collisions using a hybrid model based on QCD and hadronic rescattering”, Aug. 2020. Thesis Advisor: David D. Chinellato.
- Danilo Silva de Albuquerque, “Multi-strange hadrons in Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE”, 2019. Thesis Advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- Rafael Derradi de Souza, “Estudo dos efeitos de flutuações da condição inicial em colisões nucleares relativísticas”, 2013. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- David Dobrigkeit Chinellato., “Estudo de Estranheza em Colisões próton-próton no LHC.”, 2012. Thesis Advisor: Jun Takahashi.
Master thesis of the group:
- Vitor Hugo Ribeiro, “Vorticity rings in relativistic heavy ion collisions“, 2023. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- Gianni Shigeru Setoue Liveraro, “Machine learning na seleção de eventos do experimento ALICE do LHC“, 2022. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- João Paulo Picchetti, “Studying the impact of the nucleon size in relativistic heavy-ion collisions“, 2022. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- João Guilherme Prado Barbon, “Jets, vortices and lambda polarization in the quark-gluon plasma“, 2021. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- Renan Acconcia, “Efeitos de interações partônicas múltiplas em colisões próton-próton de alta multiplicidade“, 2017. Thesis advisor: David D. Chinellato.
- Tiago Cantalice, “Estudo dos efeitos causados pelas limitações nos processos de reconstrução de jatos de partículas em colisões de altas energias“, 2016. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- Geraldo Magela Severino Vasconcelos,”Estudo da sistemática de produção de estranheza em colisões de nucleos pesados em energias relativisticas”, 2008. Thesis advisor: Jun Takahashi.
- Rafael Derradi de Souza,”Produção de partículas em colisões de ìons Pesados Relativísticos.”, 2008. Thesis Advisor: Jun Takahashi