About me

I am an Assistant Professor (MS3-1) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) and a visiting Professor at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn).  I received my B.Sc. (Physics) from Unicamp in 2002, and my Ph.D. from the same university in 2009, after spending one year as a visitor student at the Optics Division of the Massachusetts General Hospital (PMI Lab, David Boas, PI).  My Ph.D. thesis introduced the applications of diffuse optics to neuroscience in Brazil.  I also received a degree on Licenciate in Physics in 2009 and a M.Sc. in 2005, both from Unicamp.  I joined the Gleb Wataghin Physics Institute (IFGW) of the University of Campinas in February 2011, following a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at UPenn (Biomedical Optics Lab, Arjun Yodh, PI). My current interests span fundamental and applied questions in optics, medical physics and biophysics.  Areas of ongoing research include: biomedical optics, light transport in diffusive media, optical properties of tissues, functional imaging and spectroscopy of living tissues, photodynamic therapy and cancer.  


Contact Info:

Rickson C. Mesquita
Assistant Professor
Department of Cosmic Rays and Cronology – DRCC/IFGW
University of Campinas – Unicamp
Campinas, SP – Brazil   13083-589
Email: rickson -at- ifi.unicamp.br
Office Phone: +55 (19) 3521-0137
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