Check out the lectures at the Youtube playlist: goo.gl/BjGLH4
Photos of the event: https://goo.gl/photos/e7uzGtTpfpZbUzxr8
We are glad to announce the prizes for the Report and Poster Presentation Awards. Each student received a diploma and a cash price for their achievement.
Nathalia Beretta Tomato for her work on “Femtosecond Laser Fabrication Of Whispering Gallery Mode Microresonators”
Mortiz Merklein for his work on “A Chip-Integrated Photonic-Phononic Memory Based On Stimulated Brillouin”
The result of the hands-on selection courses can be verified here. The students selected for the first day of experiments (26-July) will visit the LNLS and CPqD on 27-July. On the other hand the students selected for the second day of experiments will visit these labs on the first day.
Dear students,
Linked in this post are the maps and useful information for the upcoming trip to São Paulo and the how to get to the local bank.
Download the latest SPSAS calendar at program section!
From the 14th to 17th of July, just before the SPSAS Nanophotonics, there will be an edition of the International OSA Network of Students taking place at the University of Campinas. Check out the IONS website and consider attending both!
The registration for the SPSAS Nanophotonics is now open and the deadline in on May 10th. Fill up the application form to join us in July!
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