
Prof. Dr. Ettore Segreto

Prof. Ettore received a PhD in Physics from the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila in L’Aquila, Italy. He works in the area of neutrino physics and dark matter.

He was a member of the ICARUS, Warp and DarkSide collaborations at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory -LNGS (Italy).

It is also part of the experiments at Fermilab LArIAT, SBND and DUNE dedicated to neutrino physics.

He is leader of the photo-arrest system of the DUNE experiment.

At UNICAMP he is responsible for the Lepton Laboratory where he conducts R&D research on TPC-type detectors in liquid argon.

He was recently awarded the “Early Career Instrumentation Award 2019” by the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physics Society (APS), for the invention of ARAPUCA, a photon detector that will be used in the largest neutrino physics experiment in liquid argon DUNE.


Prof. Dr. Anderson Campos Fauth

He is an associate professor at the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics at UNICAMP, where he defended the Free Teaching degree in 2004. Doctor in Sciences at UNICAMP, he held post-doctorates at the Institute of Cosmo-Geophysics, Turin and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Frascati, Italy.

He has experience in the field of High Energy Physics, with an emphasis on cosmic rays and particle detection systems. He is responsible for the cosmic ray veto system of the Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector.

He is the São Paulo coordinator of the project to install two cosmic ray telescopes (SP and RJ) to study solar activity and global climate change.

He has participated since 1994 in the Pierre Auger Collaboration. He was head of the Department of Cosmic Rays and Chronology-UNICAMP (2004-2008).


Ana Amélia Bergamini Machado

PhD in Physics from the Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF), master’s degree and graduation in Physics from the Federal University of Paraná.

She was part of the FOCUS (Fermilab), LVD, GERDA and DarkSide experiments at the Laboratorio Nacional de Gran Sasso.

Has experience in Physics of Elementary Particles and Fields, working mainly on the following subjects: neutrino and dark matter detectors, double beta decays, gamma and mass spectroscopy, study of optical properties of scintillators, scintillation light detection systems in cryogenic environments specifically in liquid argon.

She is currently part of the international collaborations: LArIAT, SBND and DUNE at Fermilab (USA).

She was recently awarded the “Early Career Instrumentation Award 2019” by the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physics Society (APS), for the invention of ARAPUCA, a photon detector that will be used in the largest neutrino physics experiment in liquid argon DUNE.


Vinicius Pimentel Contact Information   Maria Cecilia Q. Bazetto Contact Information   Gabriel Botogoske – UNICAMP Trabalha com SBND na eletrônica de aquisição de dados dos X-Arapuca, bem como no projeto C-Arapuca, que é uma adaptação do Arapuca para detecção de raios cósmicos utilizando radiação Cherenkov. Luís Gustavo Porto Paixão – UNICAMP Pesquisa de mestrado …


Prof. Dr. Ettore Segreto Contact Information   Prof. Dr. Anderson Campos Fauth Contact Information Dra. Ana Amélia Bergamini Machado Contact information