M Bernal is Nuclear Engineer graduated at the High Institute of Nuclear Science and Technologies, in Havana Cuba (1995). He obtained a Master in Medical Physics degree at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Investigations (2003, sponsored by the IAEA). Afterward, he studied a Doctorate in Physics at the Simon Bolivar University (USB) in Venezuela. He worked as Medical Physicist for more than 6 years before coming to the academic environment. He was professor of Medical Physics at graduate and post-graduate levels for one year at the School of Physics of the Central University of Venezuela (2006-2007) and Aggregate (equivalent to assistant) Professor of Physics at the USB since September 2007 until February 2011. He has been working on radiation transport Monte Carlo simulations since 1993 and was Invited Researcher at the Laboratorio de Ciencias Radiologicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, since February, 2010 until January, 2011. He also was Visiting Professor at the Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP, Brazil, where he is professor of Physics since March/2013.