Traveling Lecturer: Dr. Alvaro Casas Bedoya

O capítulo de estudantes da OPTICA na Unicamp convida toda a comunidade para o colóquio do prof. Alvaro Casas Bedoya, visitante internacional da University of Sydney: “On-chip heterogenous integration of silicon and chalcogenides for integrated microwave photonics applications”.

Terça-feira, 22 de Novembro às 16:00, no auditório do IFGW


Brillouin scattering is a light–sound interaction process that occurs when photons are scattered from a medium by induced acoustic waves. Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) is the strongest nonlinear process and manifests optically in ultra-narrow resonances. In this talk, I will describe a radio frequency (RF) signal-processing chip device, based on using these narrow resonances. I will highlight how our RF cancellation technique is used to harness a modest SBS gain in silicon and chalcogenides, and to create a high-performance energy efficient microwave photonic notch filter. I will describe our latest nanofabrication approach, which combines the hybrid integration of the non-linear glass chalcogenide with silicon. We used this technology to link the best properties of these materials and to demonstrate the first Brillouin laser on a CMOS compatible platform

In the second part of my talk, I will present the first heterogeneously integrated Brillouin circuit on an active photonic chip that incorporates electro-optic modulators. This represents a major step towards fully integrated high-resolution Brillouin microwave photonic systems.


Dr Alvaro Casas Bedoya is currently the Senior Research and nanofabrication manager for the Eggleton research group at the University of Sydney. He is also a postdoctoral researcher and the OPTICA/SPIE student chapter advisor. He received his PhD in physics from the University of Sydney in 2013 and a double MSc degree in Photonics (through the Erasmus Mundus program scholarship) from St Andrews & Heriot-Watt universities in Scotland (2008) and Gent & VUB Universities in Belgium (2009) with Distinction level. He obtained a BSc. (Physics) (Hons) from Universidad del Valle in Colombia (2005). Dr Casas Bedoya current research interests are based on design, simulation and fabrication of integrated optical circuits for stimulated Brillouin scattering, optomechanics and sensing. Among his distinctions, he is a recipient of the 2020 Defence Science and Technology Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia. He is the Vice-Chair for the Optica Integrated Photonics Technical Group, an Optica senior member, a 2016 ambassador and a traveling lecturer. He also received in 2015 the Optica Ivan Kaminow Outstanding Early Career Professional Prize.