Equipment (EMU)

By tradition, the group is open for external users and collaborations. All our facilities can be used be in the scheme of an multi-user equipment (EMU). For this, you need to give a short scientific description of your problem (proposal) and send it to us via the contact forms. Alternatively, you can contact directly one of the professors of the group.

Currently three XRD setups are available for external users:

  • Philips X’pert PRO – MRD
  • Philips Model PW1730 XRD
  • Philips Model PW 1140 XRD


Instituto de Física “Gleb Wataghin” (IFGW) – Departamento de Física Aplicada (DFA) – Laboratório de Caracterização e Preparação de Materiais (LPCM) 

Philips X’pert XRD








Bought in 2001, the Philips X’pert Pro MRD XRD instrument is a flexible machine able to carry out powder diffraction experiments (XPD and Rietveld refinement), as well as thin film experiments (XRR and HRXRD), and reciprocal space mapping of single crystals. We have a primary beam, asymmetric Ge and diffracted beam monochromators for HRXRD available, a reflectivity setup (primary beam conditioner, 2nd beam collimator with a bend graphit monochromator), a PSD detector as well as beam attenuators available to carry out a variety of standard and not-so-standard diffraction experiments.

Philips Model PW1730 XRD

Geometry for the analysis of polycrystalline samples with Anton Paar temperature chamber, allowing measurements between liquid nitrogen and 450º C.

Philips Model PW 1140 XRD

Geometry for analysis of polycrystalline samples. Also used to carry out Laue diffraction using a W tube.