Lab grant is approved by FAPESP

A major grant of the lab was recently approved by the funding agency FAPESP! Related to the “Young Researcher” program by FAPESP, with duration of 4 years, the project aims to build and implement an instrument based on the principles of diffuse optics to monitor stroke patients. This project is a collaborative action between the School of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Physics at UNICAMP, and it is coordinated by Prof. Rickson Mesquita (IFGW/UNICAMP). Positions for Doctorate, Masters and undergrads are available, all with distinct scholarships by FAPESP.

This new project is one more of the projects already funded in the lab, all related to instrumentation in diffuse optical spectroscopy, optical data analysis for Medical applications, and applications of optics to epilepsy, photodynamic therapy, exercise physiology and neurovascular diseases.