Voltar para Pesquisa


Projetos atuais: 

1- Molecular self-assembly and functionalization of new molecular architectures based on new porphyrin derivatives. 

Campinas Team  External Collaborators
Prof. Abner de Siervo 

Rodrigo C. C. Ferreira (PhD student)

Nataly Zaribeth Herrera Reinoza (PhD student)

Alisson Ceccatto dos Santos (Master Student)

Prof. Richard Landers

Prof. Hubertus Marbach (FAU – Erlangen)

Michael  Lepper (FAU-Erlangen)

Prof. Lucas Barreto (UFABC) 

Juan Carlos Moreno-Lopez (Uni-Vienna)

Duncan John Mowbray (Yachay Tech University, Ecuador)

Alejandro Pérez Paz  (Yachay Tech University, Ecuador)

Financial support: 

Brazilian-German Collaboration project PROBRAL (CAPES-DAAD) : CAPES # 435/2015. 

FAPESP:  2017/08846-7, 2017/09529-5, 2007/54829-5




2- Production and Characterization of hybrid 2D materials: Dichalcogenides and graphene  

Campinas Team  External Collaborators
Prof. Abner de Siervo (Coordenator)

Prof. Richard Landers

Gabriela Moura do Amaral (PhD student)

Isabela da Costa Tonon (Master student)

Wellignton Dias Pereira (IC student)

Hannah de Oliveira Plath (IC student)

Theo Massao Taniguchi (IC student)

Diego Molina Sanches Silva (IC student)

Raphael Augusto De Souza (IC student)

Iago Aédon Silva Prior (IC student)

Prof. Luis Henrique de Lima (UFABC). 

Dr. Wendell Silva (CNPEM/LNLS). 

Financial support: 

FAPESP:  2016/21402-8  and  2017/18574-4

CNPq: UNIVERSAL CNPq- Faixa B #455807/2014-0

CNPq: UNIVERSAL CNPq- Faixa B #424633/2018-3

CNPq: Bolsas CNPq-EQUINOR – #440097/2019-3



O projeto temático da FAPESP 2022/12929-3 entitulado “On-surface synthesis of tunable single layer low dimensional materials: understanding their chemical integrity, vibronic, electronic, and spin properties” está sendo financiado dentro da chamada Acordos de Cooperação entre a FAPESP e a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).  O projeto visa  investigar montagens supramoleculares e reativas de redes/cadeias moleculares …


Projetos atuais:  1- Molecular self-assembly and functionalization of new molecular architectures based on new porphyrin derivatives.   The study of molecular self-assembling[i] on top of different substrates has gathered the increased attention of the scientific community. The better understanding of different characteristics and the ability to control them at a molecular level has led to quicker and …


2- Production and Characterization of hybrid 2D materials: Dichalcogenides and graphene   Recently, two-dimensional (2D) materials as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenides have received enormous attention due to their fascinating properties and great potential for technological applications. An interesting possibility is the design of heterostructures from the stacking of different monolayers of …