Repositório do RDM – “Radiation Damage in Materials”

RDM is R shiny application that help researchers to simulate Radiation Damage In Materials. It works only in WINDOWS. Manual can be downloaded HERE.

Source Code Version: Runs inside RStudio with R V 4.1.2. For run, you must install the following libraries: shiny, shinyFiles, scales, htmltools, utils, base,  deSolve,  ggplot2,  stats and scales.

Use install.packages(“missing library name”).

Download RDM Source Code Version

Portable Version: One package with all that you need to run. Just extract to some folder and run the executable. The download is huge (more than 200 MB) and does not contain any viruses.

Download RDM Portable Version

Remember for TRIM simulations you also MUST INSTALL SRIM 2008 to ensure all run time libraries are registered in windows.

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