
FAPESP Post-Doc Fellowship Opportunity



Knoledge field: Physics.

FAPESP Process number: 21/06893-3

Project Title: Optically active materials studied by scanning tunneling microscopy

Numero f available places: 1

Principal Investigator: Luiz Fernando Zagonel.

Institution / University: Instituto de Física / Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

Email: zagonel@unicamp.br

PI website: https://sites.ifi.unicamp.br/zagonel/


Position Summary:


The FAPESP project indicated above has a postdoctoral vacancy to work in the study of optically active materials via Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM). The studies will focus on two-dimensional materials such as TMDs and h-BN or synthesized perovskites for solar cells. The research activities of the project are situated on the interface between more fundamental studies and more applied studies. Topics of interest include: substrate effects on 2D materials properties, effects of defects on 2D materials, time-correlated single photon counting, single-particle spectroscopy (perovskites and other nanoparticles), grain boundary segregation (perovskites), and band alignments in solar cells.


The Post-Doctor who takes up the vacancy must carry out studies within the project and also collaborate with graduate students working on it. In particular, he/she should specifically contribute to the operation of the STM in UHV and low temperatures. He/she will lead the installation of a newly acquired preparation chamber that will be connected to the STM main chamber.


To apply, it is required to have a PhD and experience with STMs. Experience with STM operating in UHV and at cryogenic temperatures will be an advantage. Prior experiences valued include: 2D materials, nanoparticles, perovskites, other SPM techniques (AFM, KPFM) and other surface techniques (LEED, XPS, UPS).


To apply and for more information, you can send an e-mail to the project coordinator containing a letter of interest, link to CV Lattes, FAPESP Summary Curricular and contact of  researchers who can be contacted for issuing a letter of recommendation.


The vacancy is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral Scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in the amount of R$ 8,479.20 per month, and a Research Contingency Fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the scholarship to cover unforeseen expenses directly related to the research activity.