Recent invited talks

  1. Posmol (Kanazawa, Japan, July 2013)
  2. XI WFME (Feira de Santana, Bahia, December 2013)
  3. Colloquiumat IFT joint to ICTP/SAIFR (São Paulo, SP, april 2014)
  4. At the Interface between Physics and Biology, (Fapesp, São Paulo, 2014). “Challenges for Competitive Synthetic Biology in Brazil
  5. XXXVIII ENFMC (Costa do Sauípe, Bahia, May 2014)
  6. Colloquiumat IFGW/UNICAMP (Campinas, Maio de 2014)
  7. Joint Workshop with ITAMP/IAEA on “Uncertainty Assessment for Atomic and Molecular Data” (Cambridge, July 2014)
  8. 1st International Conference on Molecules and Polymers and Material Physics (Manaus, UFAM, August 2014)
  9. IV-WPGF “Espalhamento de elétrons por fragmentos moleculares da biomassa” (Juiz de Fora, UFJF, September 2015) 
  10. Gaseous Electronic Conference (GEC) “Electron Scattering by biomass molecular fragments” (Honolulu, October 2015). An joint meeting organized by the American Physical Society with ICRP and SPP.
  11. Workshop on Molecular Physics Applied to Medical Science “Electronic excitation of molecules by electron impact with the Schwinger Multichannel Method with Pseudopotentials (SMCPP): how far has it gone?” (Curitiba,  Dezembro de 2019).
  12. Física para Curiosos “Mistérios da Mecânica Quântica” (IFGW, Unicamp, Campinas, SP, junho de 2021).
  13. Youtube: Física para Curiosos “Mistérios da Mecânica Quântica” (IFGW, Unicamp, Campinas, SP, junho de 2021).
  14. Aula na Disciplina PP590, Carbon Capture Use and Storage “International Hub for Sustainable Development (HIDS)”, (Campinas, junho de 2021).
  15. Electronic Excitation of Molecules by Electron Impact: The Theoretical and Experimental Situation, EMS2021, Virtual Meeting July 29-30 (Notre Dame University – IN, USA).