Arlene Cristina Aguilar – University of Campinas, São Paulo – Brazil
Title: Ghost and gluon propagators in covariant gauges
Adnan Bashir – Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico
Title: Illuminating a pion through photons
Daniele Binosi – ECT* – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Title: From continuum QCD to hadron phenomenology
Fábio Braghin – Federal University of Goiás, GO, Brazil
Title: Effective pion-quark couplings from large Nc polarization effects
Stanley J. Brodsky – SLAC – Stanford University – USA
Title: Light-Front Holographic QCD, Color Confinement, and Supersymmetric Features of QCD
Ian Clöet – Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Title: Images of Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Attilio Cucchieri – USP, Brazil
Title: Evidence of BRST-Symmetry Breaking in Lattice Minimal Landau Gauge
David Dudal – University of Leuven, Belgium
Title: Perspectives on the BRST symmetry and Gribov region in the Landau gauge
Bruno El-Bennich (LFTC – University of Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil)
Title: Towards a consistent nonperturbative quark-gluon vertex from QCD symmetries
Jeff Greensite – San Francisco State University, USA
Title: Constituent gluons in static quark systems
Marcelo Guimarães – UERJ, Brazil
Title: Physics within the Gribov horizon: applications of the (R)GZ theory
Bob Holdom – University of Toronto, Canada
Title: The Gribov tapestry
Markus Q. Huber -University of Graz – Austria
Title: Gluons and ghosts at (non-)vanishing temperatures
Thomas Klähn – Wroclaw University, Poland
Title: Dense matter in QCD. Effective models and their motivation from a Dyson-Schwinger perspective
Gastão Krein – IFT – São Paulo State University, Brazil
Title: Born-Oppenheimer effective field theory for QED and QCD molecules
Benoît Loiseau – LPNHE, Jussieu, Paris, France
Title: Hadronic three-body heavy-meson decays in QCD factorization and CP violation
Biagio Lucini – Swansea University, UK
Title: A finite-volume local formulation of QCD coupled to QED
Emerson G. S. Luna – UFRGS, Brazil
Title: Exclusive production of pions and the pion distribution amplitude
Fátima Machado – University of Pittsburgh, USA
Title: Nonperturbative correlation functions in Rξ gauges through gluon self-energy effects
Tereza Mendes – USP, São Paulo, Brazil
Title: Lattice Studies of QCD Green’s Functions beyond the Gribov Horizon
Mario Mitter – Heidelberg University – Germany
Title: Chiral symmetry breaking in continuum QCD
Adriano A. Natale – IFT – São Paulo State University, Brazil
Title: Re+ e- and the infrared value of the QCD coupling constant
Orlando Oliveira – Coimbra University, Portugal
Title: On the lattice Landau gauge Quark Propagator
Luis E Oxman – UFF, RJ, Brazil
Title:Confining gluon states: (classical) topological solutions and (quantum) underlying ensembles
Letícia Palhares, UERJ, Brazil
Title: The Faddeev-Popov operator and a scenario for matter confinement
Owe Philipsen- University of Frankfurt, Germany
Title: Nuclear matter from a 3d effective lattice theory
Hugo Reinhardt – University of Tuebingen, Germany
Title: Hamiltonian Approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge – from the vacuum to finite temperatures
Craig D. Roberts – Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Title: Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Borromean Bound-States
Silvio P. Sorella – UERJ – Brazil
Adam Szczepaniak – University of Indiana, USA
Title: Hadron spectroscopy, challenges and opportunities
Anthony Thomas – University of Adelaide, Australia
Title: The fundamental degrees of freedom for the strong force are quarks and gluons. No
Matthieu Tissier – LPTMC – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Title: Deconfinement transition from perturbation theory
Jeyner Castro Cardona – Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Title:Unquenching the gap equation
Antônio Maurício S. N. Ferreira – Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Title: The universal auxiliary function of QCD
Clara Teixeira Figueredo – Unicamp, SP, Brazil
Title: Effects of divergent ghost loops in the presence of dynamical quarks
John D. Gomez, UFABC, SP – Brazil
Title: SM vacuum stability with an IR frozen QCD coupling constant
Igor Figueiredo Justo – UERJ, RJ, Brazil
Title: (De)confinement phase transition: the mutual influence between Polyakov loop and Gribov Horizon
Gabriel da Costa Santos Rosa – UFF, RJ – Brazil
Title: BRST symmetry and the role of gauge field topological sectors
Willian Matioli Serenone – USP – São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Title: Heavy-Quarkonium Potential from Lattice Gluon Propagator
Fernando Serna – IFT-Unesp
Title: Symmetry-preserving contact interaction model for heavy-light mesons